Is your DNS protected against data exfiltration?

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Distributed networks are adding devices at an unprecedented rate. And with the COVID-19 pandemic necessitating more employees work from home, network security has never been more important in protecting vital corporate data. Top security leaders are now recognizing the power of DNS as a first-level security control.


BloxOne Threat Defense from Infoblox protects users, devices, and systems no matter where they are, extending enterprise-level security to remote locations, and work from home environments.

It is Infoblox's hybrid security offering that strengthens and optimizes security posture from the foundation up, using DNS as the first line of defense.

  • Visibility and Automation
    • DNS sees every device, app and user across physical, virtual, multi-cloud environments, containers and remote offices so you can know what's happening anywhere on your network at any given point of time
    • It also enables closed-loop threat response using integrations to automatically share events and network context with SecOps tools like SIEM/SOAR and other ecosystem technologies for faster remediation.
  • Protection
    • Protects traditional networks as well as cloud, IoT and SD-WAN environments against modern malware, DGAs, data exfiltration and more, using ubiquitous underlying infrastructure companies already rely on.
    • Uses DNS as a "signal" for security events, providing pervasive, inside-out protection using a combination of high-quality aggregated threat intelligence and AI/ML-based analytics.
    • It provides inside out security that can protect anything from HVAC to Amazon workloads to everything in between.
  • Reducing Cost of Threat Defense
    • Using DNS to block a lot of the known threats helps offload burden from perimeter security, giving back processing power/scalabilities to those defenses.





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We will test with you in a free one-to one session if your environment is secure against Data -exfiltration and -infiltration and how you can benefit from our solution.


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Find out more in the Brochure "DATA Exfiltration and DNS".



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